FASTRAD® runs on Windows system (Vista, Seven, 8 and 10), 32 and 64 bits OS. It runs also on Linux or MacOs thanks to a Windows emulator (Wmware, etc.).

Minimum requirement:
Operating System : Windows Vista/7/8/10
CPU Type : 2Ghz 64-bit(x64)
Memory : 4Gb
Graphic card : integrated 
Disk space : 1Gb

Optimal requirement:
Operating System : Windows 10/11
CPU Type : 4,5Ghz 64-bit(x64) 8 cores
Memory : 16 Gb
Graphic card : NVidia with 4Gb RAM
Disk space : 2 Gb 
Disk type : SSD

The FASTRAD® license is a node-locked one. A FASTRAD® license can be used on multiple PCs through the use of a USB key holder / dongle (one session at a time).

The distribution is based on an annual license leasing. Multi-year leasing is available. Please contact for a quotation request.

The number of people using the same license is not limited. The software can be installed on multiple computers, however only the dongle / USB key holder can run it. One FASTRAD® license can be shared between several users, but only one can use it at a time.

The training is strongly recommended. The training gives you all the tools to successfully perform radiation analyses with FASTRAD®. It is made up of presentations, video tutorials and exercices that cover 3D modeling, the calculation methods and post-processing. You also have access to our support team. Once all users have completed the training, we schedule a Webex meeting with one of our radiation engineers to get your feedback and to sort out any issues and to answer any questions.


FASTRAD® interface is available in English and French.

FASTRAD® allows performing this task using its 3D modeling interface, then its dose calculation engine based on the ray-tracing approach, and its post processing feature that indicates the best location for radiation shielding on your 3D model. For more info, please browse the module page.


The FASTRAD® GEANT4 module offers a user friendly interface to define and create a GEANT4 project. The user is able to import STEP geometry, to set the material properties, to define the source characteristics, the physics list and the type of analysis needed. 


FASTRAD® is able to read STEP files with protocols Ap209, Ap214 and IGES files v5.0. The size limitation depends on the complexity of the geometrical model included in the file. FASTRAD® converts all the surfaces described in the file in a triangular mesh. The RAM needed for the shape import depends on the surfaces complexity and the discretization value.

No limitation

FASTRAD® offers more than 40 models for active components (DIL, DO, Flatpack, TO, TSOP, etc) and passive components (Capacitor, connector, resistor, etc.).

The sector analysis method uses a dose depth curve to define the isotropic radiation environment. This dose depth curve is an input of your FASTRAD® analysis, and includes all the particles needed. For non isotropic environment, the user has to use a Monte Carlo approach. FASTRAD® offers a Monte Carlo calculation engine for the energy deposition due to an incident electron, proton and photon flux. This calculation includes the creation of secondary electrons and photons.


Yes, the Monte Carlo calculation (reverse and forward) allows multi-thread calculation limited to the number of threads available on the user machine.


FASTRAD® is dedicated to the simulation of space environment. It does not allow defining radioactive sources. If you are interesting in this capability, have a look at our software solution for decay simulation: Please contact for a quotation request.


Forward Monte Carlo

The forward Monte Carlo algorithm allows tracking particles in matter. The particles taken into account are:

  • Electrons (primaries and secondaries),
  • Photons (primaries and secondaries),
  • Positrons (only secondaries),
  • Protons (primaries).

The different physical processes implemented are:

For Electrons:

  • Bremsstrahlung (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Ionization (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Multiple Scattering (1 keV – 1 TeV).

For Photons:

  • Compton scattering (1 keV – 100 GeV),
  • Photo-electric effect (1 keV – 100 GeV),
  • Pair production (1.022 MeV – 100 GeV).

For positrons:

  • Bremsstrahlung (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Annihilation (1.022 MeV – 100 GeV),
  • Ionization (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Multiple Scattering (1 keV – 1 TeV).

For protons:

  • Ionization (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Multiple Scattering (1 keV – 1 TeV).      

Reverse Monte Carlo

The Reverse Monte Carlo algorithm allows to backtrack particles in matter from the sensitive volume or the detector to the outer space. The particles taken into account are:

  • Electrons (primaries and secondaries),
  • Photons (secondaries),
  • Protons (primaries).

The different physical processes implemented are:

For Electrons:

  • Bremsstrahlung (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Ionization (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Multiple Scattering (1 keV – 1 TeV).

For Photons:

  • Compton scattering (1 keV – 100 GeV),
  • Photo-electric effect (1 keV – 100 GeV).

For Protons:

  • Ionization (1 keV – 1 TeV),
  • Multiple Scattering (1 keV – 1 TeV).

During the Reverse particle tracking the Bremsstrahlung and the Ionization processes are used to create particles.

The Reverse MC calculation allows to calculate both Total Ionizing Dose and Total Non-Ionizing Dose for the materials assigned to the punctual or volume detectors.

Sector analysis and Monte Carlo calculations are based on two different approaches:

  • Sector analysis converts all materials into Aluminum and uses a dose depth curve as the environment input. This dose depth curve is specific to a shielding and a target material, usually Aluminum and Silicon.
  • Monte Carlo considers the actual interactions between particles and matter. The materials do not have to be converted into Aluminum. The electron or proton flux is used as the environment input. The target material can be made of Silicon or any other material depending on the Monte Carlo calculation method.

In summary, sector analysis gives an estimation of the dose for a fast calculation (few seconds) but converting materials into Aluminum and using a specific dose depth curve lead to an important information loss. On the contrary, the Monte Carlo calculation takes into account the actual shielding materials and their properties; however the computing time is longer.

As for TID, FASTRAD® can be used for TNID calculation both through the Reverse MC module and also thanks to the ray-tracing method by entering equivalent fluence depth curve. The same FASTRAD® model (built-in or step imported) is used for TID and TNID calculation. The TNID calculated by Reverse MC can be post-processed thanks to the NIEL table in order to get equivalent fluence for the specified particle and energy.


FASTRAD® is a tool dedicated to total dose calculation (TID and TNID). The SEE rate can not be calculated with FASTRAD®. However, a FASTRAD® sector file (sectorized geometry) can be used to compute an SEE rate with the OMERE software.


Different post-processing levels are available within FASTRAD®:

 The dose

The dose results may be displayed in the viewer on the 3D interactive model depending on the detector chosen in the interactive list of the doses

The sector analysis results

The Aluminum crossed thicknesses may be displayed in the 3D geometric model. They may be represented as rays, projection on a sphere or on a box. The rays and mapping are displayed in function of a selected range of thicknesses or a part of the received dose. This box can be defined as representative of a specific part of your model (a unit for example). This last capability may be of particular interest when performing a radiation analysis.

The Monte Carlo particle tracking

All the particle tracks are displayed in the 3D geometric model. The user has access to a large quantity of information for each particle step. It includes its type, energy, energy loss, occurring physical process, position and many others. These data are also available through a text file listing all the interactions and particle steps during the whole calculation.

As this option produces a huge amount of data, it may be interesting to use it as a debugging tool only tracking a limited number of particles.

The Monte Carlo 3D mapping

Dedicated interfaces allow to define sensitive zones and to visualize 3D mapping of the doses, energies and fluences collected in these zones during the Forward and Reverse calculation. It proposes three different visual metaphors to display the information (3D texture, 2D color planes and voxels) and gives the opportunity to filter, clip, and interact with the results in order to highlight the hot paths and critical areas.

The spherical dose depth curve assumes an isotropic shielding distribution, which is not the case in the real system geometry. That is the reason why a detailed radiation model is designed in order to perform the sector analysis with the dose depth curve.

The part package can bring a significant shielding as it covers the 4-pi space surrounding the silicon die, and it may be manufactured in materials as heavy as metals or ceramics. FASTRAD® proposes a non-exhaustive device package database that can be adapted by users for modelling.